20th September 2024

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Whittlebury Village Community Website

Public Meetings

All Parish Council are held in the Methodist Church Rooms, usually at 8p.m. on the 2nd Monday of the Month, preceded by meetings of the Planning Committee at 7.45p.m. Members of the public may attend. There is an agenda item during which parishioners may raise matters of concern, but otherwise they may not participate except with the permission of the Chairman of the meeting.

Once a year there is an Annual Meeting of the Parish which is a true open public meeting at which any parishioner may participate. It is organised and minuted by the Clerk to the Parish Council and chaired by the Parish Council's Chairman but otherwise is a meeting of villagers to whom other village organisations are invited to report. This meeting is held in April or May.

Please see the Council Calendar for details of all meetings.

Last updated: Tue, 06 Dec 2016 19:18